(248) 684-4411
Gretchen Weger Snell, PhD, DNM
2185 S. Milford Rd., Suite #3
Milford MI 48381
Schedule an Appointment


Dandelion, Taraxacum officinalis

Posted 06/10/2021 08:17:09
Category: Articles & News





Dandelion - The Flower of Survival

Did you know that this pesky “weed” is a powerful healing ally? Dandelion rejuvenates the body by facilitating the elimination of toxins through the liver and kidneys.  Taraxacum officinalis is a bitter, which stimulates the flow of juices that ease digestion.  The liver is a major detoxifying organ for removing external pollutants and toxins, and the internal waste products produce by stress! Cleansing the liver detoxes emotional stagnation as well, stimulating the release of anger frustration and resentment.  This clears the way to restore the higher expression of the liver - our creative vitality. Couldn’t we all use that?

The essence of Dandelion is Survival.  This is emphasized by the way it grows in the harshest of environments, pushing it way against all odds through the cracks in concrete.  Dandelion can be a gift at times when we cram too much in our life - when we become human doings versus human beings. By helping ease tension and release emotional toxins, Dandelion helps restore focus and the direction of our energy and enthusiasm.  A powerful weed indeed.

***  Stay tuned for classes and workshops resuming late summer.  ***

Natural Path Consulting is now offering HeartMath Interventions for Stress Recovery.  A natural, scientifically proven, alternative intervention for recovery from Stress, Anxiety, Grief and Trauma.

Finally, a heart-felt note of gratitude for all the gracious feedback and comments regarding my recent book, Wings of Light, Feet of Clay: On the Nature of Healing.

Thank you! This work was designed for the client, shining light on the human energy field, which is an entire dimension that is missing from our system of conventional medicine. The information provides a deeper comprehension of how this vital information can be applied to affect our unlimited capacity for healing. 

Available on Amazon




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