(248) 684-4411
Gretchen Weger Snell, PhD, DNM
2185 S. Milford Rd., Suite #3
Milford MI 48381
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Garlic - A Powerful Ally & Workshop

Posted 08/18/2021 08:12:22
Category: Articles & News


Garlic – Allium sativa - The Flower of Power.  

Garlic is strengthening, energy-giving and detoxifying. The essence or vital energy of garlic provides a basis to builds confidence and resilience.  It facilitates a sense of connection with the wholeness of life. What a perfect ally to bring healing at this point in our evolutionary path.
When crushed, garlic releases its active component allicin.  However, cooking destroys allicin so for medicinal purposes it is best eaten raw or cooked at low temps for less than twenty minutes.  Garlic has powerful antimicrobial powers. It can also help lower cholesterol. Take a few cloves of garlic, crush add them to a bottle of cold-pressed olive oil. Use this as a base for salad dressings and pesto.
·       Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic 
·       Detoxifies body of heavy metals and chemicals
·       Enhances immune function 
·       Can lower blood pressure and lipids
The bulb is the medicinal portion of the garlic plant.  Use fresh or crushed and soaked in olive oil.  Garlic is a rich source of minerals: calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, and Vitamins B & C. Garlic is a powerful healing ally hiding right underneath our nose!