(248) 684-4411
Gretchen Weger Snell, PhD, DNM
2185 S. Milford Rd., Suite #3
Milford MI 48381
Schedule an Appointment


PEMF, Kinetic Recliner & Terahertz Frequency Therapy

Frequencies for Improving Health, Energy and Pain Management 

Energy fields have been an integral part of healing since antiquity.  The cells communicate via the language of frequency.  Organs and tissues have collective, coherent frequencies that regulate cellular processes; disruption leads to deregulation and illness. Providing ‘healthy’ frequencies, entraining the oscillations back to coherence, can often restore homeostasis and accelerate the healing process. (Experience Sayonic Therapy). 
 Innovative physiotherapeutic devices have been created to deliver and these Earth Frequencies for Improving Health, Energy and Pain Management.  
PEMF – Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. 

Cellular communication is mediated through the actions of magnetic and electrical fields. PEMF Therapy energizes weak and damaged cells by inducing electrical activity in the cells and tissues.  Pulsed Magnetic Fields assist the body's basic functions by:

  • Increasing oxygenation, 
  • Enhancing circulation, 
  • Promoting hydration,
  • Facilitating detoxification, 
  • Improving absorption of nutrients,
  • Improving ATP production (the powerhouse of the cell).

PEMF therapy is analogous a “whole body battery recharger”. 
Worldwide more than 2,000 double blind studies have demonstrated that PEMF therapy is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions, as well as to promote and maintain general cellular health and function. The National Institutes of Health have made PEMF therapy a priority for research. In fact, the FDA has already approved many PEMF devices, some specifically to fuse broken bones, wound healing, pain and tissue swelling, and also to treat depression. 

The Kinetic Healing Recliner 

A patented, therapeutic device for enhancing healing through the movement of circulatory, lymphatic, and neural fluids.

The Kinetic Healing Recliner Chair is a lighter and simpler version of professional Kinetic Recliner Bed used in hospital and institutional settings. Patented by Edward H. Phillips in 2007, this lighter version of the Kinetic Recliner Chair uses the BPM therapy method 300 (blood pressure modulation) to provide the same substantial therapeutic benefits as the industrial version. The theory is that the calming action of the BPM therapy method induces the parasympathetic nervous system (Rest & Restore) to become dominant over the sympathetic nervous system (Fight & Flight) inducing healing on multiple levels.

The Kinetic Recliner Chair operates at a frequency of about 6 cycles/minute, mirroring the typical resting lymphangion spiral muscle contraction rate of 5 to 8 cycles/minute. The BPM therapy method 300 has been anecdotally observed to be therapeutically helpful for enabling an improved quality in the following types of physical and neural conditions:

  • Parkinson's
  • Alzheimer's
  • Essential Tremor
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Autism
  • Migraine Headaches,
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Varicose Veins
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Addiction
  • Impaired Circulation,
  • Neuropathy
  • Open wounds
  • Lymphedema / Abnormal Tissue Swelling

Many symptoms of Illness result from poor circulation of fluids (blood, lymphatic, neural). Sluggish circulation impairs nutrient flow and waste removal from tissues and organs. Toxic buildup further impairs the function of critical pathways in the cells and the extracellular matrix.  While Homotoxicology remedies assist drainage improving cellular function, the Kinetic Recliner provides a mechanical mean for improving this process through cumulative movement of arterial, lymphatic and neural fluid flow.

Terahertz Frequencies
In the electromagnetic spectrum, at one end are radio waves and on the other end are gamma rays. 
In between these lies the “terahertz” frequency range, or “THz Gap”. It is called a “gap” because the technology for terahertz generation and manipulation is still in its infancy. This band of electromagnetic frequency lies within the region between microwave and far- infrared.
Almost every molecule has a 'fingerprint' in the terahertz frequency range. Terahertz works through hydrogen bonds and water channels called aquaporins. The water around proteins absorbs more terahertz than pure water, which helps our proteins fold correctly. These frequencies vibrate at the same molecular level as our DNA, RNA, and proteins thus influencing our health in a positive manner. 
The Terahertz devise combines heat with the frequencies. Heat therapy works by improving circulation and blood flow to a particular area, soothing discomfort, increasing muscle flexibility and assisting the body to heal damaged tissue. Heat also helps to remove lactic acid buildup from overtaxed muscles, which allows them to “un-clench." 
Researchers have discovered that heat applied to the bone keeps stem cells healthy. The enhanced activity of the heat helps rebalance the cells’ state of equilibrium or homeostasis. The recovery of protein homeostasis by enhanced heat activation was shown in both mouse and human hematopoietic stem cells. Protein damage impairs stem cells during aging and likely contributes to disrupting blood and immune cell production in older people. (Terahertz healing).
PEMF Therapy, Terahertz Frequencies, or any energy medicine device does NOT heal or cure disease. Rather it  jump-starts our body’s own natural healing process. The body is self-healing, self-regulating and self-regenerating. It has the natural ability to heal when given the proper energy and elements needed for sustaining life.

Now, imagine this....it is drug-free.

More on the Kinetic Healing Recliner, click ==> KHR
Ready to experience these Earth Frequencies for Improving Health, Energy and Pain Management? Schedule a session for this innovative new combination of PEMF, Kinetics and Terahertz Therapy today ==> click here.